Inspire The Next..? Consider it Done :)

Each one teach one

There is no particular subject present here, other than a desire to send out some inspiration! So im sitting here thinking… hmmm… and the more I think of it, it strikes me more and more that it’s a funny old thing that “inspiration”…

Remember you are born to live. Dont live because you are born. Dont go the way life takes you.. Take life the way you go.

It’s like, to be inspirational or to hear that you have inspired someone, inspires you even more… but at the same time, to find some else inspirational is of course again, to be inspired. Soo… if to be inspired breeds inspiration, inspiration produces the inspired?!lol if that’s accurate, then It’s quite a cycle, but an absolutely amazing one, and it seems as tho there is an amazing cosmic law at work..?! Im going to look into this a bit more… Lets start with the science… 😉

Inspiration is a phenomenon of the right hemisphere of the human brain in which profound insights, information, and intuitions burst through to the waking consciousness with startling clarity. Inspiration makes possible most creative thinking in artistic and scientific endeavours. Some attribute this phenomenon to divine sources, others to supernatural spiritual or psychical forces.” (Source)

For me, inspiration usually occurs suddenly with overwhelming intensity, like the proverbial bolt of lightening out of the blue! The inspirational phenomenon is fleeting, it doesnt last long. Its like the information must be quickly captured and written down, or acted upon; if not it hastily fades from memory.

“Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go and do that, because what world needs is more people who have come alive”

Mozart was inspired when he was alone during times of “good cheer,” such as walking after a good meal, or travelling in a carriage, or during sleepless nights. He confided that at these times music flooded his thoughts forcing him to commit it to paper!!

Albert Einstein’s breakthrough to the theory of relativity came with what he called “the happiest thought of my life” when he was inspired by the vision of a person falling off of a roof, and the realization that the person was both at rest and in motion simultaneously!!!

Beethoven, when inspiration struck, said his whole body shivered and his hair stood on end. He felt as if he was plunged into the mysterious state of oneness with the world, in which all forces of nature were his instruments.

Occasionally the onset of inspiration is accompanied by physical sensations such as chills, burning, tingling, “electric glows,’ and “fuzzy” feelings that seem to indicate that something profound is about to happen.

And guess what…. In the words of the Black Eyed Peas… I got a FEELIN… WOOOooo HOOOoooo! ^^

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, ANYONE can start from now and make a brand new change”

Here goes! *deep breath*…

Some people like to set themselves high standards and often set the bar too high from the off. Quit comparing yourself to the best. You dont need to reach for the stars in order to get started!? In any new field of endeavour, you’re a beginner. Let yourself be one!

And keep doing what you enjoy doing, even if there’s no reward or immediate benefit from it.

Avoid sitting in the sideline, bemoaning your circumstances without taking any action to improve your lot in life. Learn to tolerate feelings of inadequacy. There are days when you’ll feel incredibly stupid and not up to doing a decent job on even the simplest task. This is a “bad day”…. Do not make it into a life position..!

“If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in a dark room with a mosquito”

And don’t be afraid to take sides! Your own that is. Don’t belittle yourself. Don’t call yourself names. Its okay to laugh good-naturedly at your mistakes or delusions of grandeur but don’t ridicule yourself.

Allow your interests to emerge in their own way. Don’t try to make them fit into the box you originally thought they’d be in. An interest in fashion may not get played out as a clothes designer, but you may work as a personal shopper! 😉

And a word for our “late bloomers” too. Perhaps you’ve been too busy making a living or raising a family to let your interest’s blossom. It’s not too late to marshal those desires!! Take a risk! (not with matches tho… Obviously…lol). Do something out of the ordinary. Go ahead!! Make your children roll their eyes! ^^

We are who we are, but only for the moment. In each moment we are given the opportunity to be and decide who and what we are. We should all remember that this choice is real, and free to our disposal.. right NOW!


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, commited citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has…”

Each One Teach Won

Live Well!

DW 🙂


2 thoughts on “Inspire The Next..? Consider it Done :)

  1. Awesome blog Daniel! Together we are going to be able to inspire the world to be better through our motivational blogs…I have complete faith in that. Keep inspiring (you definitely inspire me!) 🙂

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